Material Financing

Material Financing

Our lender pays your supplier up front for materials and once the job is completed, billed and collected (up to 120 days after material order) you simply pay the lender back. Interest only is paid weekly. We can fund (buy your materials) in as fast as 24 hours once your line is approved. Use on multiple projects. NO contact to the CG or your end customer. (this is NOT factoring).

This will allow you to;

Get instant cash buying power

Unlock more capital

Control your cash flow

Plan your cash flow with confidence

Pay interest only until you are paid by the contractor

Bid and OBTAIN more and larger $$ jobs !!!

There are many options for you to choose from. Please contact us for a FREE consultation to review all of your equipment needs and financing choices.

Did the Work? – Get Paid NOW

Similar to material financing, if you do work for a CG or others and bill in increments based on % of completion or phases, you can get paid for material and labor while you wait to get paid from your ordering customer. This helps you to control your cash flow, handle labor costs and administrative costs while you wait to get paid. And AGAIN, obtain more and BIGGER jobs.

The credit line amount can grow with your business with either financing product.

Call Now or Contact us for a FREE Consultation.